The word which in Sa’a and Ulawa represents the idea of the tabu 1 to the extent of denoting the imposition of a prohibition on the indiscriminate use of things, or on the violation of personal or communal property, is adi, which is used both as noun and verb. The things which are thus tabued are fruit trees, paths, gardens, pigs, fishing, streams, landing places, personal possessions. The ädi is of two kinds : (1) the one common, ädi mwakule, without any ghostly sanction, and depending on the power of him who imposes it for the exaction of a penalty in the event of its infraction ; (2) the other is ädi maa’i (maea, U.), holy tabu, depending for its efficacy on the religious rites which accompany the placing of it, and carrying with it the belief that the ghosts in whose name it has been carried out will themselves see to the punishment of any offender.