The word for sun is sato ; the moon is called waarowaaro, i.e. round, full orbed. The Man in the Moon is said to be a woman weaving baskets. A comet is called a Smoking Star ; a fireball is honu mela ; a shooting star is uto ni mae, the crest of leaves on a coconut. The Southern Cross is ape (see p. 387), the net, suspended on four poles, and the Pointers are ‘ Two Men ’ ; the Pleiades are apurunge, the tangle ; the Southern Triangle is ireki, the tongs ; Orion’s Belt (see p. 154) ’s Three Men in a Canoe ; Mars is the Red Pig ; the Morning Star is madala, a word which in Fiji is mataka, morning ; the Evening Star is The Watcher of the Meal ; Mercury is Climb far, because it precedes the morning star by a considerable interval. One constellation is called The Snout of Kareimenu, after the shark man of that name.