Christopher Hitchcock recommended that we accept multiple distinct causal concepts. Any attempt to purge science of causal concepts is misguided. However, it may be appropriate to restrict causal analysis to the description of experimental arrangements and results, while excluding reference to causal concepts at a theoretical level. For instance, theorists of the quantum domain may present results of measurement in the causal language of classical physics, but elect to exclude causal concepts from calculations made from Schrodinger's wave equation or Heisenberg's matrices. Elliott Sober maintained that event-token causality is exhibited in genealogical relationships between the individuals of biological species. Ned Hall maintained that it is the intersection of a structure-altering process inaugurated by Suzy that is causal, despite the fact that her throw fails to exhibit counterfactual dependence. On one level, a causal relation is a relation between event-tokens in which an energy transfer takes place.