Not one but several "peculiar institutions" have operated to define, confine, and control African-Americans in the history of the United States. The first is chattel slavery as the pivot of the plantation economy and original matrix of racial division from the colonial era to the Civil War. The second is the Jim Crow system of legally enforced discrimination and segregation from cradle to grave that anchored the predominantly agrarian society of the South from the close of Reconstruction to the civil rights revolution, which toppled it a full century after abolition. The third device for containing the descendants of slaves in the Northern industrial metropolis is the ghetto-which corresponded to the conjoint urbanization and proletarianization of African-Americans from the Great Migration of 1914-1930 to the 1960s, when it was rendered partially obsolete by economic transformation and the mounting protest of blacks against continued caste exclusion, climaxing with the explosive urban riots chronicled in the Kerner Commission Report. 1 The fourth, I contend here is the novel institutional complex formed by the remnants of the dark ghetto and the carceral apparatus with which it has become joined by a linked relationship of structural symbiosis and functional surrogacy.