Played golf today with Henri and Davis. W e welcome the New Year at James B. Moore's "Secret Lair Beyond the Moat'—450 West 23rd Street. A very small party: James B. Moore, Henri, Barney Moore no relative of Jim's with Miss O'Connor, John Sloan, Mrs. John Sloan. Pleasant evening and early morning. I'm going to try to do a bit less smoking this year. Mr. and Mrs. E. W . Davis, Old Wyatt of the old "806" days, to dinner with their boy Stuart. [Sloan met Edward Wyatt Davis when they worked on the Philadelphia Inquirer in 1892. Henri and Sloan shared a studio at 806 Walnut Street in Philadelphia through the summer until September 30, 1893. They had met at the home of Charles Grafly, Philadelphia sculptor. Sloan

I am working rather fitfully on illustration story for McClure's Magazine-"Idella and the White Plague"-a girl who rids her family of the imputation of the popular ditty:

Everybody works but Father And he sits around all day Feet upon the fender Smoking his pipe of clay. Mother takes in washing So does Sister Anne Everybody works in our house But my old man.