When life flows in so broad a stream, this always implies a certain lack of spiritual depth. One who can dance on all waters with as much agility as Casanova, must needs be as light as a cork. He voyages round the world, and never wishes to set his foot on firm ground. He is independent of laws, a freebooter, a filibuster, urged onward by his uncontrolled passions. Like other outlaws, he ignores the conventions of society, disregards social regulations, has no respect for the unwritten laws of European morality. Casanova is like the worthy English member of parliament, who once remarked in the House that he was continually hearing of people's obligations to posterity, but would very much like to know what posterity has done for them. In actual fact, never for a moment did Casanova waste his time in pondering the problem whether this world could have been or ought to have been different.