Morality and ethics have become the fundamental questions facing humanity in the current climate, as how is more effective moral and ethical education to be accomplished? The global education system needs to be designed for the refinement of the moral values and to prevent the immorality. The question is, what is best for global human rights and the highest human good? Can the current educational system lead to a world where fundamental decisions could be based upon trust, humility and wisdom, and where interactions are focused on what is best for all human beings; and, in which interactions are characterized by compassion, loyalty, honesty, respect and forgiveness. This paper discusses the integration between Naqli (revealed knowledge) and Aqli (rational knowledge) in achieving the goal of citizens to being civilized, educated and ethical at the same time. One of the disciplines which falls under the integration of Naqli and Aqli in Islam is the rulings of Halal (lawful) and Haram (unlawful). Halal and Haram are universal terms that apply to all aspects of human life, whether related to his ibadat (worship), muamalat (related to worldly matters such as business/trading/commercial transactions, lending, borrowing contracts and civil acts or dealings under Islamic law) ormuasharah (the way he treats others). The concept considers all the physical and spiritual advantages of the product to the humankind. For this, the article also proposes that the Halal knowledge is to be transferred to the students as early as at the Primary Level of their education, due to its importance in forming the good characteristics of the global citizens.