This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. Susan Isaacs was a prolific writer, visionary theorist and ground-breaking practitioner, yet her name goes largely unrecognized. Although the readers were informed in 1934 that "Ursula Wise is, in fact, a psychologist, holding the degree of MA, DSc, whose authority to advise on the difficulties of childhood is unquestioned by those who know her", the name of this agony aunt was never disclosed. It is this work, so little known about, that the author bringing to the fore in this book. This book is not only an attempt to bring Susan Isaacs's name and work as a parenting mentor to the fore but to make the claim that she was a significant and trail-blazing pioneer. The Ursula Wise column is an insightful, poignant and spirited column that is a pleasure to read.