This chapter provides the core framework of the book. It primarily focuses on providing an overview of the core conceptual design of the research that is operationalized in the following chapters as well as a basic overview of the structure of the arguments presented in later chapters. Methodologically, the focus is on the rational choice model used in the research, and its extension by the inclusion of systemic and identity-based components to provide a more nuanced view on foreign policy formulation. This chapter also provides a quick introductory insight into the significance of the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands dispute and its effect on Sino-Japanese relations. The potential of the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands, which appear to be of questionable value on the surface, to become a major crisis spot in the Asia-Pacific region is likely to be counter-intuitive for those not familiar with the particular issues surrounding the dispute. By taking a look at the key strategic, political and economic components of the dispute, this research seeks to provide a comprehensive overview of the dispute, as well as examining its foreign policy implications.