Rationalities, technologies, and subjectivities are wholly entwined with one another. In order to illustrate the functioning of market and rights subjectivities, the chapter provides a general overview of the authors and objects of the European Union's (EU's) external trade/environment agenda, demonstrating the ways in which the citizen and the stakeholder coexist alongside one another in the realm of EU policy. It focuses on one limited case study of the way that these subjectivities play out in the EU's external trade/environment agenda. The chapter delves into interrelated questions to explore subjectivity as it relates to EU behavior in the context of its external trade/environment agenda. It examines the identities of the governed and governing implied by the discourse surrounding this area of practice, and discusses how they function to create expectations about rights, duties, capacities, and conduct—how they structure the field of thoughts and actions that seem possible in this context.