Rational beliefs are related to problem solution, whereas irrational thinking produces dysfunction in relationships and in well-being. A rational response to an imperfect world is to change that which can be changed for the better, but also accept the reality that humanity will never reach a perfect society, community or family. Irrational beliefs produce self-defeating emotions and behaviours, which increase fear, threat, stress and maladaptation. Irrational self-talk is a form of absolutist thinking that makes demands on life in the form of “should” or “ought” statements. Cognitive appraisal theory argues that it is not the stressor that creates the damaging physiological changes, but how the potential threat is perceived and interpreted. Hardy personalities believe they can control themselves and to a large degree the situations they face in life. Research has examined personality differences that might modify reactions to stress. The interest in post-traumatic stress disorder was initiated by the consequences of war in Vietnam on the psychologically wounded participants.