This chapter investigates published narrative discussion of third wave feminism. It theorises connections between a third feminist wave and transgender philosophy. The notion of multiple and shifting identities is also often vigorously questioned by trans people opposed to the concepts of identity-in-process and/or the possibility of gender created from political stance. Some feminists have examined inter-wave philosophy and community orientation by applying what the author identifies as the metaphor of 'maternal relations'. 'Womanism' has come to be a way of naming, and therefore revealing, the unacknowledged efforts and influence of women of colour's feminist ethos and lifestyles over the decades. The chapter addresses the connection of philosophical third wave feminism to 'postmodern identity', which differs to both modernist fixed identity and postmodern non-identity. Womanism is an ethos and collection of lifestyles that acknowledges such 'unnamed' efforts and influence of women of colour on the third wave.