Chapter 6 summarizes the results from the qualitative interpretation and charily suggests probable correlations that could be found in a larger quantitative study. On the basis of the available qualitative data a probable confirmation of the theoretical model proposed in the volume can be suggested. Strong authoritarianism and high socioeconomic status come along with strong anti-“Western” attitudes, strong authoritarianism and low socioeconomic status come along with moderate anti-“Western” attitudes, low authoritarianism and high socioeconomic status also come along with moderate pro-“Western” attitudes, and low authoritarianism and low socioeconomic status come along with strong pro-“Western” attitudes. The data also clearly shows that these variables do not suffice to explain exact attitudes towards the “West.” Especially the role of ideological and religious convictions seems to be a factor that can pull attitudes towards the “West” slightly into directions the model is unable to predict.