Child as method, as a critical practice of deconstructive reading and of teaching, is oriented to the elaboration of a pedagogy of, and for, decolonisation and redistribution. Child as method is a creative transformation of Kuan-Hsing Chen's influential text Asia as Method. A key starting point for child as method is resisting the abstraction of the child from sociopolitical relations that position it as 'other'. The relevance of Border as Method to child as method is not simply one of transposing the standpoint and trajectory of the figure of the migrant to the embodied chronological developmental journeying of children. The multiple indexing of 'child/childhood/children' highlights how constructions of childhood, including those attending the figure of child, produce and constrain the forms of childhood that individual children live and practice. Intersectionality theory contributes a useful analytic attention to diversities of positioning that de-homogenises the categories of child/children/childhoods, to indicate how these are created through power relations.