C 1 l 62B / ogonil: eleme, kana-gokana nigeria [2] the classification of this subset corresponds to the ogoni group' of both lllwilliamson 1971

Clllkw71 > and lllhoffmann 197L. [3] logonil nigeria =t lllkw71, lllhbss76

C ogoni IllL eleme nigeria lllkw71, lllhbss76

C eleme II IL kana nigeria lllkw71, lllhbss76

< khana lllkw71, lllhbss76 > dialects> tai, n.khana, s.khana lllhbss76

C kana II 14 gokana nigeria lllkw71, lllhbss76

CI l head/is t -62B is the reference code for the subset -logonil is a cover-name applied collectively to the languages following -kana and gokana are inter-intelligible, but eleme is not -the languages of the subset are spoken in nigeria

other features found in headlists may be seen in the following examples: 98t ldravidianl: tamlA, telugu mauritius, reunion, s.africa

-the classification 98t is new or revised since llldalby 1977 67C o6andi; <67C> m:,og:>ba, kazi6AU zaire, centrafrique

-the classification of m:>og:>ba and kazi6Ati within 67C is tentative H2 klmbundu-songu-clmbangala, holu-ukwese-klpende, klmbala, mbui < with RI> angola,

zaire -mbui occupies a transitional position between H2 and RI

[21 introductory note where present, this refers most commonly to principal sources for the languages of the set/subset or their classlflcation.