The nationality policy of Bolshevism as a whole is a great and genuine installment of real democracy. However, it is only democracy within the framework of dictatorship, as the dictatorship tolerates the freedom of nationalities only upon the basis of its political and economic system. Power could not allow the politico-geographical and politico-economic key position of this small State to pass under foreign influence, but determined to incorporate it within its own political system. Thus national democracy under Bolshevism only obtains so far as it harmonizes with the system of dictatorship. Over the liberated nationalities the red flag also floats. Consequently the Bolshevist system is always finding itself menaced by new differentiations of sections, by the formation of new classes, which, if allowed scope, would condemn all its endeavors to sterility. Members of the former privileged class are politically disfranchised. They are deprived of the suffrage and branded as social pariahs.