Adopting a positive self-image may increase self-confidence and potential performance quality too. There are mixed arguments for the benefits of greater or lesser self-complexity. If there is less self-complexity, we are more negatively affected by any critique of an aspect, as it features more strongly in our self-concept, whereas those with a more complex self-concept may place less emphasis on the aspect being criticised. Self-esteem may be seen as a trait component, suggesting an enduring disposition potentially resulting from childhood experiences of mastery feedback. Self-efficacy has been linked to positive forms of motivation, rising to meet challenges, resilience in the face of adversity, the ability to correctly identify performance deficits, and lower levels of anxiety. Dance can create different views about our body image, dependent on dance type and level. Social physique anxiety can be defined as 'concerns with others' evaluations of one's physique rather than bodily concerns that involve one's ability to perform certain physical task'.