This chapter deals with the social fabric and membership principles of Athens' kinship organization. It focuses on how this organization functioned, including its major divisions, officials, and regulations. The chapter shows how engyetic marriage combined principles of kinship and legitimacy as a result of Solon's reforms in the early sixth century. As members of the kinship organization, the astoi also had their administration. Several observations can be added in support of the view that Draco's legislation was only intended for members of Athens' kinship community. The restricted character of Draco's homicide laws as having been intended only for members of the kinship community is revealed by the case of the murder of the old nurse, who returned to live in the household of her former masters and happened to be killed while defending their property. Solon organized the Athenian kinship community by introducing the principle of legitimacy and, thus, dividing all Athenians into legitimate (gnesioi) children and bastards.