The Learning Journey format took inspiration from Roth and Kleiner's Learning History, as a first-person narrative encompassing many voices, in this way attempting to address the complexity of the topic. The Journey focused on forms of Shadow-work and the cultures surrounding them. This chapter argued that psychoanalysis is the home of all Shadow-work, as it owes so much to Jung, Freud, and the parents of modern-day psychology. Coaching and consultancy have an important role in the Learning Journey because the people who specialize in these practices could be interviewed and had direct experience with projects. Moreno's technique of psychodrama was included in the Learning Journey in the form of constellation work. Humour played a very important role in many of the techniques explored in the Learning Journey. The subconscious mind, however, being an interface between the conscious and unconscious realms, communicates through feelings, emotions, body symptoms, active imagination, sensations, and dreams, as observed in the Learning Journey.