The exploratory study outlined was undertaken as part of the Partnership for Education and Research about Responsible Living (PERL) project that ran from 2012–2015. The focus was on Education for Sustainable and Responsible Living (EfSRL) teaching in schools, and how this might be better achieved. A workgroup was tasked to use ideas from our values-based approach to develop a framework that might contribute to the identification and closure of value-action gaps within a secondary school context. Following this initial phase of the project, we set out to train teachers and students in using our prototype school's toolkit. The 'human survey'/spatial survey seems to be another helpful tool for assessing values enactment and highlighting value-action gaps, and an important observation was that consensus among students is not necessary in order for the exercise to be useful. The approach of role-play proved very powerful, enabling students to embody the two contrasting situations of judgement and acceptance.