The real distinguishing mark of Russia to-day is the state of revolutionary tension in which the country is being constantly maintained. The second factor which is shaping conditions in Bolshevik Russia is the difference of age—of simple, physical age. The social-revolutionary transformation which is going on throughout the Bolshevik countryside nor its accompanying excesses in the way of robbery, imprisonment, and even bloodshed, afford the most striking evidence that Russia is still at present a great cauldron bubbling over with revolution. Russia is now in very truth and without any suspicion of bluffing a proletarian state, and the passages show that in such a state the censorship is far stricter than under any emperors or popes, or in the most rigorous of Polizeistaaten. Everything in Russia is in a state of flux, everything is relative, everything is carried along on the current of the revolutionary struggle which flows like a river in spate.