A series of ice shedding tests were conducted by Morgan and Swift on a five-span 230 kv transmission line, from which the equation of the conductor jump height after ice shedding was deduced and the effects of different insulator assembly methods were studied (Morgan, 1964). Jamaleddine et al. carried out several ice shedding tests on a two-span reduced scale line and was the first to use non-linear commercial finite element software to study the dynamic response of the conductor following ice shedding. It is proved that the numerical simulation results agree well with the model tests (Jamaleddine, 1993). Roshan Fekr and McClure simulated 21 ice shedding scenarios, by changing conductor density, to study the influence of ice thickness, span length, and elevation difference on the ice shedding response (Fekr, 1998). Meng et al. conducted an ice shedding test on a real scale transmission line and studied the influence of conductor damping (Meng, 2012). Li et al. study the towers-lines coupled effect and the anti-vibration


Atmospheric icing is one of the main natural hazards that threaten the safety of overhead transmission lines. It is reported that atmospheric icing and ice shedding have caused serious loss to electric power networks in countries like America, Canada, China and Russia (Farzaneh, 2008). The accidents resulting from icing can be divided into two catalogues, one is electrical accidents, such as flashover and short circuit, and the other is mechanical accidents, such as strands or conductor breakage, insulator rupture, cross-arm deformation, or tower collapse (McClure, 2002).