This chapter focuses on processing, or teaching, or problem-solving involves. Using problem-solving skills somewhere in a session is not the same as a session primarily devoted to problemsolving. Understanding the dynamics of handling the type of session you are in is crucial to being an effective couples therapist. This is the meat of couples therapy. Almost all approaches to couples therapy deal with the dynamics between the partners. Processing sessions can change the couple's dynamics, freeing them from chronic frustration and allowing them to function more effectively. However, long-term dynamics need to be addressed over and over. Ingrained couples' patterns are hard to break and rewire. Some couples therapy sessions are predominantly Teaching sessions. Skills Development sessions are a fundamental of couples therapy. Some couples seek out a couples therapist who has a specific skill set, for example, a sex therapist, an addiction therapist, or a couples therapist trained in disabilities, LGBTQ issues, multicultural issues, etc.