This chapter describes events which are somewhat historical as they relate to bullying which occurred some time ago in the borstal system. The borstal system has since been superseded by Youth Custody and more recently by the Unified Custodial Sentence. Also, the dormitory conditions at the borstal in question now no longer exist. Criminological literature on bullying in British residential institutions for young offenders is, as far as the authors are aware, nonexistent. Combating bullying can be seen as falling within the scope of the general rubric of 'situational crime prevention' as defined by Clarke. The behaviour labelled as bullying breaks specific, institutionalised, codes of conduct. The measures used to combat the problem involve the management of the immediate environment in order to reduce the opportunities for bullying and increase the likelihood of detection. Inmates' bullying occurred infrequently in the dormitories, at night, or on Sunday afternoons.