Iodide trifluoromethane (CF3I) has gained attention as etching gas in substitute of Freon for next-generation semiconductors. Polarizing film (film with polarizing performance) is made primarily using iodine or dye to stain polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). The film is stretched and oriented to allow only polarized light in a fixed vibration direction to pass through. In particular, iodine-type polarizing film has superior polarizing performance compared to dye-type polarizing film, and is used widely in liquid-crystal display (LCD) televisions and mobile phone screens. The iodine-type polarizing film is essential in modern information equipment. Organic iodine compounds have high reactivity. Iodine compounds are indispensable in the synthesis of electron materials. Hydrogen iodide is an efficient demethylation agent. Graphite is comprised of multiple layers of thin plate-like carbon crystals. With iodine doping, graphite can be produced at low temperatures.