The emphasis upon the transversality of the moment that continues across the hierarchical solidity of the fixed linearity of chronological time is one which this madness as methodology lives to nurture and to grow, its usage is not designed to set up binaries between formed objects and objects in flow or between fixed periods of time and the inspirational glimpse that dis/appears in the wink of an eye. The binary logic of Cartesian Dualism that employs rationalism and empiricism as the basic means of meaning making and, in so doing, creates the philosophical and humanist 'problem' of the separation of mind and matter comes under sustained fire in its use of sense in Deleuze's book. In this madness as methodology the author wish to offer a Deleuzian logic of sense that sets univocity against equivocity, that offers immanence over transcendence and that sees the multiplicities of becoming and individuation as the pre-eminent condition of one common existence.