This chapter describes the coding procedures used to analyze unmarked tense in North Carolina Hispanicized English (NCHE) before going on to present the results of the quantitative analysis. It discusses the specific coding categories which were used to run the statistical analysis of unmarked tense in Durham NCHE. The chapter focuses on overall distribution of marked tokens for tense in the data and presents the overall results of logistic regressions analyses run on each of four linguistic or internal factors in the model phonological environment, verb class, lexical aspect and frequency. It examines in detail each linguistic factor individually. The chapter discusses the influence of discourse/narrative context on unmarking patterns by presenting the results of a subsample of the data that was coded for foregrounding vs. backgrounding function. It also presents the results for each of the social factors hypothesized to correlate with unmarking and discusses in detail the effect of length of residency in relation to tense unmarking.