When a potential coachee contacts an rational emotive behaviour (REB) coach, it is a good idea to talk to them for a short period over the phone, if possible, to determine whether they are in the 'enquirer' or the 'applicant' role. If the potential coachee is in the applicant role, then it is worth spending a bit more time with them to determine, such as, whether rational emotive behavioural coaching (REBC) is suitable for them; and if so what type of REBC might best suit what they are looking for. Although a written and signed contract between coach and coachee is important, because it makes clear to both participants what is likely to happen in coaching and what they can realistically and explicitly expect of one another, this is not set in stone. While some 'clauses' in the contract are unlikely to change, others may be added or be liable to change if necessary.