The ability to accept oneself, others and life unconditionally will have far-reaching positive effects for the coachee. This will enable them to live peacefully with themselves and others and to ease conflict in life. Unconditional acceptance will also, of course, help coachees to achieve their coaching objectives, especially their goals when their problems relate to depreciation of self, others or life. As with other non-extreme attitudes, rational emotive behavioural coaching (REBC) theory states that an unconditional acceptance attitude thrives when people have developed a flexible attitude towards self-, other- or life-related adversity. As with the flexible and non-extreme attitudes already discussed, the only way to internalise an unconditional acceptance attitude is for coachees to commit themselves to face the negative aspects of self, others or life, while rehearsing this attitude in full form or in short form. In summary, the development of an unconditional acceptance attitude depends on action in the face of adversity.