This chapter outlines the clinical findings from the cases of various young men, each of whom suffered from an inability to communicate deep states of alienation and depression. An adolescent or young adult can hide or be unseen while significant danger unfolds and actual risk to his wellbeing increases. In adolescence, breakdowns of varying degrees typically occur in communication with adults, who are regarded by adolescents as out-of-touch, authoritarian, intrusive and oppressive. The phenomenon of brooding in adolescence is characterized by withdrawal, moodiness, and few words. Evolving problems of adolescent communication are underscored by endless stories about how the Internet is used for cyberbullying, sexual exploitation and pornography. Adolescent and young adult development can be undone by what appears to be an ominous, uncontainable force from deep within the personality. Donald Winnicott describes one phase of adolescent development as the doldrums, one that he believes is survived by the passing of time perhaps more than anything else.