This chapter presents the Jungian concept of initiation, which often involves some visible change to male's bodies, during a panel discussing aspects of Alessandra Lemma's ideas about body modification and tattooing. Alessandra Lemma discusses the psychoanalytic meanings of body modifications such as claiming identity and protest, and she notes, body modification. The horseman stands as a sign of people's apocalyptic tendencies when a self-destructive side of fate might appear to have the upper hand, when foolish impulse leads to self-harm. The major psychological factor that many describe is alienation that fuels rage. Alienation is likely a major factor in the process of radicalization because the accompanying isolation, lack of purpose, and identity confusion would combine to augment psychosocial difficulties in later adolescence and early adulthood. "The extent of the damage and the number of casualties are of primary importance." This rage activates a young man and can remove passivity that may be associated with certain kinds of alienation.