Let’s summarise briefly the journey so far. You’ve read the book and now understand the following key points:

The context of leadership has changed faster than our assumption of what it is, and we need to complement and enable the thousands-of-years old leadership 1.0 approach with 2.0 (sideways and outwards) and 3.0 (upwards) into a dynamic of leadership 4.0 – a complex dynamic.

Three states typically co-exist – the “simple” (which needs categorisation and process), the “complicated” (which needs analysis and traditional decision-making) and the “complex” (which needs dynamic probing with feedback loops).

Complexity Science shows that complex dynamics and systems mostly have inherent self-organisation following a few simple rules which enable emergence.

Eight key principles need to be in place for self-organisation to emerge, but this needs leaders to have a 4.0 mindset to release fully the potential and enable such agility.

Four key strategies need to be employed in a dynamic mix of “push” and “pull” by leaders, when to get a grip and when to let go. The hardest one is to know when and how to let go, step back and allow flow.

Using deterministic approaches, and being addicted to action and urgency, can lead to spending time in delusion – a waste of salary!

Followers need to be nudged along to accept more responsibility and accountability, and each person will differ and start at a different level.89

To enable change to occur two broad approaches need to be implemented – complicated change needs a linear approach with a feedback loop (note: the content trap!) and this can be complemented for complex change using CatMecs (note: phase transitions!)

Various examples and stories are out there – but the best story is the one you craft for yourself!