The probing intellect of Nazi propaganda was always searching for new ways of communicating. But this facility of technique was also part of their self-promotion: a display of the regime's virtuosity, it projected the idea of their slickness, cutting-edge mastery. The Nazis had to differentiate their offer, as it were. Their chosen method of doing this was what is today called negative campaigning, and they certainly have a share in its paternity even if they did not invent it. Nazi propaganda was based on a bestiary of hyphenated entities such as the Jewish-Bolshevik, Old Reaction, greedy Anglo-Saxon capitalism, all painted in luminous colours. Communications channels were an assemblage of new and old media. The new media were particularly important channels of evangelism, and it is no accident that the Hitler phenomenon is coexistent with their maturity. For Nazis, radio was the 'single most important means of mass communication'.