In 1108 Henry I issued the following writ:

Know that I grant and order that henceforth my shires and hundreds shall meet in the same places and at the same terms as they met in the time of King Edward, and not otherwise. And I do not wish that my sheriff should make them meet in different fashion because of his own needs or interests. For I myself, when I should wish it, may cause them to be summoned at my own pleasure, for my lordly needs [dominica necessaria]. And if in the future there should arise a plea concerning the allotment of land, or concerning its seizure, let the plea be tried in my own court if it be between my tenants in chief [dominicos barones meos]. And if it be between the vassals [vavassores] of any baron of my honour, let the plea be held in the court of their lord. And if it be between the vassals of two lords, let it be held in the shire court. … And I will and order that all men of the shire go to the shires and hundreds as they did in the time of King Edward. 1

Henry here named the most important lay courts in Anglo-Norman England: his own court, the shire and hundred, and the lord's honour court. There were others, notably manor and urban courts, and no doubt various ad hoc courts could also be held. 2 Henry's writ gives no impression of hostility to any of the courts mentioned. Rather it desires that they all function properly.