This chapter offers comparative insights into the teachers and their teaching practices via the duality of teaching and occupational practices, overviews of the sources and types of the initial theoretical knowledge and the modified or recontextualized varieties of pedagogy. They become occupational and work knowledge, applied pedagogic and applied occupational knowledge culminating in occupational pedagogic knowledge (OPK) or occupational teachers' capacities (OTC). Then, the chapter provides a reflection of the various occupations that have been studied in this investigation regarding Bernstein's regions and generic modes. These modes evoke ecologies of occupations as delineated by Herbert Spencer. Teachers used theoretical knowledge for their teaching. Some of the learning theories such as social constructivism, behavioural management strategies, Bloom's taxonomy, Skinner's behaviourist learning theory, Maslow's hierarchy of needs and teaching theories were espoused by some of the 21 participants/deliverers in work-related programmes across the various academic levels.