This first chapter, Introduction, delineates the book’s purpose as well as providing a template of the overall structure. The financial and societal costs of unethical conduct are noted and create a sense of urgency for the topic. A review of the current conversation on ethics identifies the gap which this book is intended to fill: By viewing ethics from an everyday perspective, this book expands the typical discussion from business settings to also include ethical challenges encountered in school, community, and relationships. The use of case studies that range from playground bullying and academic dishonesty to employee theft and reporting of abuse allows for a dialogue that is relatable to a broad audience. The book is structured around four main areas: a foundation that defines ethical conduct and offers historical context; discussion of the internal and external factors that influence our ethical decision-making; various techniques that expand our perspective of ethical situations; and an opportunity to practice concepts. “Agency” is introduced, with the recognition that we need to acknowledge responsibility for our actions and inactions. Readers are invited to provide their own ethical case, using the same prompt that generated the studies used in the book.