Topic 1: Talkabout talking Activity 1 A puppet show C/V 95 Activity 2 Our TALKABOUT rules C/V 103

Introduction 92

Topic 2: Talkabout speaking Activity 3 Talking to Gary C/V 107 Activity 4 Turn up the volume C/V 110 Activity 5 Racing rates C/V 113 Activity 6 Why is good speaking important? C/V 116 Activity 7 Gary and Brad have a chat C/V 118

Topic 3: Talkabout listening Activity 8 Back to back C/V 122 Activity 9 Good commenting B&W 125 Activity 10 Face to face C/V 128

Topic 4: Talkabout beginnings Activity 11 Beginnings for Brad C/V 132 Activity 12 Starting out C/V 133 Activity 13 Pass the greeting C/V 134 Activity 14 Musical starters - 136

Topic 5: Talkabout taking turns Activity 15 Gary and Brad want to talk C/V 139 Activity 16 Getting to know Gary / Brad C/V 141 Activity 17 Pass the buck - 143 Activity 18 Twenty questions C/V 144

Topic 6: Talkabout endings Activity 19 Gary needs to go C/V 148 Activity 20 Ending it with Brad - 150 Activity 21 A story about conversations C/V 151 Activity 22 Talk this way - 153 Activity 23 Certificates of achievement C/V 154

Aim of this level

Topics covered


Length of level


Group gelling

Format of the sessions


To increase awareness of conversational skills and to improve skills in using speaking and listening in conversations effectively.