A Absent teachers SS19

Anger D2, D8, D10, D12, D18, D19, C1, SS39, SS41

Annoying D13

Anxiety D21, C5, SS19, SS55, SS72

Apology D10

Ashamed D2

Asking for help D8, SS67

Asperger’s syndrome D10, D19, C9

Attention seeking D1, SS49

Autism D8, D12, D13, D15, D16, D18

B Bad manners D12, D13, SS35, SS57

Bed, getting up SS23

Bible D1

Body language D16

Body space SS4, SS9, SS13, SS45

Book bag SS20

Boring D10

Borrowing D13

Brothers D13, D15

Butting in D1, D2, D5, D12

C Calling out SS49

Careless work SS84

Changing clothes SS10, SS89

Cheeky D3

Circle Time SS21, SS48

Citizenship D20

Class organisation D11

Clothing fads SS6, SS10

Communion SS27

Considering feelings D8

Correcting people D9, D10, SS52, SS60

Curriculum D17

D Day dreamer D22

Denial SS46

Drama D11

Drawing SS74

Denying D3

Detention D14, D17, C8, C9, SS73

Diagnosis D18

Difference SS77

Disagreeing D9

Distracting SS49, SS71

E Eating fads SS1

Eating, forgetting SS25

Eating together D12

Educational psychologist SS26

Embarrassed D3, D14, SS3, SS33

Exams D21

Eye contact D16, D19, SS57

Fairness SS59

Families D12, D14

Family meals D12

Feelings D8, SS40

Finishing work SS72, SS80

Following instructions D5

Following people D7

Food SS1, SS2

Football C4

Fresh food SS1

Friendship SS85

Funny/not funny D1

Games D7, D8, C4, SS32, SS39, SS59, SS88

Getting my way D2, D10

Getting started SS67, SS70

Getting up early D12, SS23

God, rude remarks D1

Going to school SS22

Good manners D1, C3, SS28

Greedy D13

Greeting D10, D12, D19, SS28, SS31

Group work D7, C2, C6, SS79

Grudges SS44

H Hair, stroking SS9

Hair washing SS15

Hand clapping D5, D6

Hands up D11

Hate the subject D11

Head lice SS12

Help, dislike SS38, SS35

Hiding work SS65

History D11

Hitting D1, D10, SS39

Hobbies D14

Holy Communion SS27

Homework D17, C8, C9, SS61-64

I Imitating D7

Independent working SS69

Indoor games D2

Insults C7

J Jokes D5, D19

K Keyboard SS82

Koran D1

L Laughing SS56

League Tables D21

Licking SS5

Likes/dislikes D14

Little sister D12

Looking SS57

Losing things D11

Lunchtime SS25

Lying D3, D4, SS37, SS46

M Making fun of D1

Manners D1, D12, D13, C3, SS28

Masturbation SS8

Mental maths SS68

Miming D7

Mind blindness D3

Mistakes D2, SS52, SS60, SS83

Misunderstanding SS50, SS56

Moaning D11

Money SS29

Monopolising a playmate D8

Music lessons SS82

My opinion D11

N Nail biting D16

Nakedness SS17, SS18

Name-calling D3, D4, D18

Nits SS12

Noise sensitivity D8

Nose picking D12, D16, SS7

Not understanding D11

O Obsessive interests D5, D6, D14, D18, D19

P Party Invitations D6

P.E. kit D11,C9,SS10,SS89

Penis SS8

Pens, pencils SS34

Perfectionism SS75

Personal organisation C9, SS20

Phobias D14, D18, SS11, SS16, SS24

Phone SS28

Play fighting SS51

Playing out D1, D2, D7, D8, SS32, SS85

Pool SS88

Posture D12

Practice D12, SS82

Privacy SS8, SS17, SS18

Problems D17

Prurience SS33

Psychologist SS26

Pushing people D3, D4

Q Qur’an D1

R Racist remarks D1, D2

R.E. D11, D17

Religion SS27

Repetitive remarks D5

Reproduction SS3

Respect D3

Responsibility D3, D12

Revenge SS44

Rewards SS43, SS76

Rights D12

Routine D11

Routine change SS19

Rubbishing D9

Rudeness D11, D19, C7, SS3, SS33, SS47

Rule breaking SS59

Rules of games D7

S Safety D3, D4, SS54

SATs D21

School dinner SS25

School journey SS22

School toilets SS16, SS24

Scraping plates D14

Scribbling SS41, SS74

Sex SS3

Sharing D15, SS34

Sharing rooms D13

Shoes, throwing SS42

Shouting D11, C5, SS55, SS90

Siblings D15,

Sisters D12, D13, D14, D15

Sitting together SS48

Skirts SS33

Sleeplessness SS14

Smart Alec D10

Smiling D10, D19

Special Interests D14, D5, D6, D18, D19

Speech difficulty D8

Spoiling work SS41

Spontaneity D8, D11

Staying on task D8

Stealing D3, D4, D12, SS29

Storms SS11

Strapping D18

Support assistants SS35, SS38, SS66

Swearing D1, D2, D12

Sweater SS6

Swimming SS86, 87, 90

T Talking to adults D10

Talking too much SS36

Team games D7

Teasing D9, D18

Telling off D2, D8

Temper tantrums D12, D13

Tests SS78

Time out D2

Toilet D7, SS16, SS24

Tolerance D12

Tone of voice D10

Touch D16

Touching D1, SS4, SS9, SS13, SS45

Throwing things SS42

Train obsession D5, D6

Truthfulness SS37

Turn-taking D1, D2, D8, D15

TV programmes D12, D14, D15, SS14, SS30, SS51

U Unkind remarks D1, SS40, SS50, SS53

W Walking SS54

Wanting own way D7, D8

Washing hair SS15

Welcoming SS31

Wet playtime D1

Whispering SS58

Winding up D8, D18

Work, independent SS69

Wrestling SS32

Writing SS75, SS81, SS83

Y Yawning D12