Practitioner: It may be useful for us to learn more about the little flame in your picture. You said it was really important to you, but you didn’t know why. I wonder if you would be prepared to enter more into the sense of this image, and for me to interview the flame? (Participant agrees.)

So, little flame, tell me about yourself. How does it feel to be you? (Ask the participant to always start their reply with ‘I’ not ‘it’. This engages the deeper feeling right brain far more than the logical, rational left brain.)

Here are some possible questions when interviewing an image: What is life like for you, little flame? What do you need? What are you feeling at the moment? What frightens you? What pleases you? What are your innermost secrets? What are the best things about your life? What are the worst? What do you want from life? How do you feel about your situation? How do you feel about being the size you are? What threatens you?