Objective When groups are functioning well they have an energetic force that is just not possible for only one single person. The combined energies of the particular personalities can result in the most amazing creativity and productivity. This is not age dependent. A group of eight year olds can build an incredible den, a group of six year olds can make a wonderful sand world on the beach, and a group of emotionally charged adults can turn an original business idea into a roaring success. Yet all too often we fall into a rut of doing things solo or just as part of a twosome. So this exercise focuses on the participant’s most memorable times of exciting and pleasurable group experiences. These important memories of being an integral part of a group’s creative force are important to bring to mind as a way of imbuing them with energy. It is hoped that this will then motivate the participant to actively seek out ways of being part of more such positive group experiences in their life. The exercise also includes looking at negative group experiences so that these can be more carefully avoided in future.