Instructions From the picture, pick a ‘garden box’ for each of the people who are key in your life, for better or worse. They are people at home or at work/school. They can also be people in your past who are still having a big effect on you. But overall, these are the people you think about a lot, feel about a lot, and maybe have conversations with in your head. Draw the ‘gardenness’ of these people. For example, are they a garden with colourful flowers but with hidden thorns and stinging nettles? Or are they a rich, luscious garden, albeit a bit wild and overgrown? Or do they have a toxic waste pipe in their garden or a large electric fence or a ‘keep out’ sign? Be as imaginative as you like, by adding to or taking away what is already there in the basic gardens. The list of words by the side of the picture might help to inspire you. If you don’t want to draw, just choose some of these words (or your own) and write them in the appropriate garden boxes. Write the names of the people you have chosen under the appropriate garden box. Then, if you like, draw yourself (a stick person will do) in each of the gardens. If it was real life what would you feel if you spent time in there? What would you do in the garden? What would you change or leave exactly as it is?