The purpose of each resource dig is to provide you with a relatively small and targeted group of resources that I anticipate will be helpful as you hone your craft. My use of the term “dig” here is to signal that our crafting will involve some wading through and mucking about with various ideas, thoughts, insights, interpretations, and conceptions of what phenomenological researchers try to do. I find it incredibly important to avoid a narrow view of the craft, and instead simply trust that as craftspeople we will make the decisions we need to in order to create something beautiful (to us at the very least!) with our creations. The list here is not exhaustive by any means—although I have expanded the list a bit in this second edition. I made choices based on my experiences with these texts. I include additional resources at the end of the book. So, here are some important and useful philosophically-oriented resources that I and others often turn to for guidance, inspiration, and assistance. Happy digging!