This chapter describes methods that are equally of value to any student who is struggling to learn to read fluently. Even though the importance of phonemic awareness for early literacy learning has been understood for at least 30 years, pre-service teachers in Australia are still receiving far too little practical information on how to assess and develop phonic skill. The three levels in the phonics curriculum are: single letter-to-sound correspondences, with sound blending practice; recognition and use of digraphs and consonant blends; and recognition and use of larger letter-groups as an effective way to recognize complex words. Teachers are free to adopt any proven effective teaching method or combination of methods and materials that will help students at Tier 3. An approach that is mainly Tier 3 in application is QuickSmart Literacy. Reading Recovery can be regarded as a Tier 3 intervention because it involves targeted individual tutoring. Concern has also been expressed regarding the long-term effectiveness of Reading Recovery.