Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is regularly the tool of choice for tackling withdrawal symptoms, chronic underlying anxiety, beliefs, obsessions, compulsions and withdrawal symptoms. EFT is especially useful for people who find it hard to focus or to keep still. The techniques are employed in addiction and obsessive compulsive groups, and with eating disorders clients. Habits are merely routines of behaviour that are repeated regularly without the need to think about them directly. EFT is used to treat addictions and habits to address aspects of the issue and addressing root causes, which in turn leads to new behavioural choices. Cravings are sudden impulses and strong urges that temporarily dominate thoughts and alter moods and actions. The chapter focuses on food cravings of all types, but the methods are easily adapted to any type of craving. Tapping is effective for addressing many forms of resistance which may arise when contemplating freedom from a substance addiction.