There has been a profusion of studies on many facets of L i Chih: his ancestry, his life , his thought and his w ritings in various form s of academic and semi-academic publications in Chinese, Japanese and Western languages since the turn of the twentieth century. They include several lengthy monographs, mainly in Chinese, but the bulk of scholarly works on L i Chih were published in seria l lite ra tu re . There are also a number of important contributions on L i Chih published as chapters in more specialized monographs or symposium volumes, and yet others as sections of a larger study on Chinese thought and in ­ te llectual history. The most important of the la tte r can be found in Jung Chao -tsu 容 f U , M ing-ta i ssu-hsiang shih 日月イ思您史 [A H istory of Ming Dynasty Thought] (1941); Hirose Yutaka ,Yoshida Shõin no kenkyu 吉 ^ ホ公法 う 免 [A Study on Yoshida Shõin], 2nd ed. (1944); Shimada Kenji % 田 度 次 ,Chügoku ni okeru kindai sh ii no zasetsu キ 固 じ 於 け る ÍÍL /P Í思 1M ゥ 找 折 [The Breakdown of Modern Thought in China] (1949); Richard G. Irw in , The Evo­ lution of a Chinese Novel: Shui-hu chuan (1953); Hou W ai-lu

夕卜易! et a l* eds. ,Chung-kuo ssu-hsiang t fung-shih す固 患、姓•遂 炎 [A General H istory of Chinese Thought] (1960); Self and Society in Ming Thought, ed. Wm. Theodore de Bary; Okada Takehiko, Õyõmei to Min-matsu no Jugaku (1970),and others.1