Taxol has an important place in the treatment of cancer. However, poor bioavailability of taxol is a limiting factor and as a result nanoataxol has been developed. The paclitaxel-loaded nanoparticles were active against human RT4 bladder transitional cancer cells; the IC50 paclitaxel-equivalent concentrations were nearly identical to those of aqueous solutions of paclitaxel, i.e., ~30 nmol/L (equivalent to ~25 ng/mL) for 2-hour treatments and ~4 nmol/L for 96-hour treatments. In/vitro and in/vivo studies indicated that, compared to taxol, CBT-Taxol showed a 4.5-fold or 1.5-fold increase in anti- multidrug resistance effects, respectively, on taxol-resistant HCT/116 cancer cells or tumours without being toxic to the cells or the mice. Nanoparticle albumin-bound (nab)-paclitaxel also increases gemcitabine levels inside the pancreas ductal adenocarcinoma tumor cells by inhibiting cytidine deaminase, the enzyme that degrades gemcitabine.