Dawes, Noble and Co. was founded in 1756 by William Backwell who had retired, in the previous year, from Child and Co. after a legal dispute. From 1806, Wilson and Williams banked with Devaynes and Co., who accepted thousands of bills of exchange which were paid to Birch Harrison by the parent firm. At the time of the bankruptcy of Dawes and Co., £26,627 of bills drawn by Moulson and Co. were outstanding, which were secured by the deposit of £16,510 in short bills and a cash balance at the bank. Between November 1809 and the failure of the new partnership, the surviving partners were said, by their assignees, to have collected £345,676 of the old partnership's assets and to have discharged all their liability for Devaynes and Co debts except £102,192. After payment of the debts, the balance of £ 24,836 should have been divided amongst the surviving partners according to their respective number of 15 shares.