Just like the Mentor-Bully and the Kid-Exile, the Advocate is on a continuum with the Troublemaker. When extreme, the Troublemaker has three different roles: Rebellious, Distracting, and Numbing. Without the Numbing Troublemaker the Exiles may not be able to tolerate any of the feelings. Over time, the Troublemakers learned to jump in quickly, reacting to any situation that became unpleasant. Just like the Bully and the Exile, the Troublemakers can't change without the teacher staying in the junior-high band room. When the Wise One is in charge, and the Mentors and Kids are in balance, the Troublemakers can calm down too. The critical Bully and the Distracting Troublemaker are reacting strongly to each other. Be aware that more than one type of Troublemaker might be present. A spunky Rebellious Troublemaker who defies the strict rules of the unpleasable Bully has been triggered. Troublemakers sometimes cause problems by switching behaviors and symptoms.