What could “a burlesque act in which a female [s/c] performer removes her clothing piece by piece in view of the audience” or any less sexist description of “unconcealment” possibly contribute to the discussion of discourse? What does “striptease” entail in a procedure which begins with the richly dressed and decorative acts of meaning endowment in literary reading and works its way down the rungs of a ladder at the bottom of which is revealed the stark “sense” of formal logic and its digital offspring? Is what is finally disclothed perhaps disappointing because it is fully sharable? The tease, a tantalization without the intention of fulfilling an aroused desire, perhaps rests on the re­ alization that in order to be entirely and publicly available, in order to be meaning without fringe and penumbra, meaning must be empty Perhaps it is only when meaning is individually unfulfilled that it can become pure’ sense.