This chapter is a study of education in the domain of Secondness, Charles S. Peirce's category of phenomena in unmediated dyadic relations of cause-and-effect chains, stimuli followed by an immediate response sequences, brute force and resistance, of the world as it 'really' exists. The distinction between genuine Secondness and Secondness in Thirdness (Thirdness degenerated to Secondness) is introduced. Education in the domain of Secondness means learning from experience, experiments, practical life and indexical signs, but also from deductive reasoning. The 'will to learn' is a phenomenon of Secondness. Education in the domain of Secondness concerns the role of indexical signs as well as deductive reasoning in language learning. Learning from surprise is a further phenomenon in education in the domain of Secondness. The chapter examines the weaknesses of the theory of language learning in processes of deductive reasoning.